Archive for the ‘Chapter’ Category

“Twelve Blue isn’t anything. Think of liliacs when they’re gone”

Blue pencils, blue noses, blue movies, laws, blue legs and stockings, the language of birds, bees, and flowers as sung by longshoremen, that lead-like look the skin has when affected by cold, contusion, sickness, fear; the rotten rum or gin they call blue ruin and the blue devils of its delirium; [. . .] afflictions [...]


After exposing the main principles of electronic literature, it is time to dig into the subject and find some good examples to show what it really is. As you’ll probably see, it is very difficult to define clear boundaries between genres and sometimes even  distinguishing between prose and poetry. However, this is just another consequence [...]

Literature does not mean print

In these first pages of our manual I am going to analyze some fundamental assumptions about electronic literature, as if it is a machine waiting to be turned on. First of all, I think it’s necessary to affirm one main point: literature has to do with texts, created with a markedly artistic and literary purpose [...]

I need an instruction booklet.

Warren Weaver is acclaimed as the father of the theory of complexity. In one of his most famous articles, Science and Complexity, he classifies complexity according to three different problems. The one  we consider here is called “disorganized complexity”, described as “a problem in which the number of variables is very large, and one in [...]

Storia di una tesi da blog a blog

Prima di entrare nel merito dell’argomento della tesi in sé, credo sia necessario fare alcune precisazioni su come esso abbia influenzato il formato stesso della tesi e su come quest’ultima sia giunta ad assumere un tale aspetto. Anche, un tale aspetto. Ma procediamo con ordine: un giorno non meglio specificato mi incuriosii di questa letteratura [...]