Comments on: In fuga dalla carta, intrappolata nella rete... Tue, 27 Sep 2011 21:58:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Stolarz Wed, 20 Oct 2010 18:16:29 +0000 Hi Beniamena:

I enjoyed your introduction today at the New Media Lab meeting and wish you the best of success with your time here.


By: Camilla Fri, 15 Oct 2010 18:22:18 +0000 Hello Benji!
Thank you for answering me, it makes me feel good, like if I’m not alone in this neverending web!!!!
You perfectly right, a book it’s something you need to have, it’s something that never let you alone. It’s the perfect travelmate, it shuts up but at the same time it says lots of things and you can decide when to listen to it or not…. When you are alone, in silence, sitting on the grass or on something else, doesn’t matter what, the best thing you can do it’s just read and try to imagine in front of you the scen you’re reading…
I like it, my compliments, again :)
Check your mailbox, it could be something good in it :)
I’ve talked to Zanca and it really seems that I’m going to be gradueted the 15th or the 16th of december and I’ll be very sorry that you won’t be there :(
My best wishes for everything
Camilla :D

By: Beniamina Mon, 11 Oct 2010 19:58:56 +0000 Thank you Camilla! I’m glad you like it and thank you for your precious co-operation!
By the way, I do not think you’ll be loosing your job, niether now nor in 200 years’time. Books will resist, and as Umberto Eco once pointed out in one of his essays, they are one of those inventions that cannot be furtherly improved. They were born perfect, you cannot think about a better way to conceive a “book”: a book is what it is, and its social and cultural meaning as a symbol of the human need of communicating and spreading information will never be deleted. What I am trying to show here is that, once we change the kind of medium for communicating, the new tool has new potentials that allow different ways of communication. And there’s no need of being scared about technology and its “disemboding properties” (that is the power of conveying information only through some bits and pixels on a screen, not “physically” as we are used to), as long as we are able to deal with it consciously.

Thank you for commenting, and I hope you’ll like to take a look around sometimes. If you like/dislike something, please, feel free to express your opinion. The blogosphere is waiting for you!
Beniamina :D

By: Camilla Fri, 08 Oct 2010 18:00:58 +0000 Hello my dear!!!!
I really enjoy all of your work and I’m really happy to be a part of it… Now just one thing, which English literature lesson was??? I mean, that’s sure that I’ve skipped that lesson because I don’t even remember a thing like that, but anyway you have always big ideas :) Are you telling me that in a year or two I’m going to lose my job with all this electronic literature? Hope not of course :) It’s always a pleasure to have a book in hands and breath the smell of its pages… I’m an internet addicted, you know it well, but I love books, and not only because my mom own a bookshop, but because you can feel that and see them as something that really exist and that you can touch and see
Hope to have been useful for you, lady :)

Miss U Benji
Come back to Italy as soon as possible
We need you :)
With love
