Comments for Lit-Liv [LITerature is still aLIVe] In fuga dalla carta, intrappolata nella rete... Tue, 27 Sep 2011 21:58:31 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Weaving a text. by Esther Tue, 27 Sep 2011 21:58:31 +0000 Great story of the invisible bonds that exist between mothers and daughters. They resist being like their mothers only to find out some time later, they are just like her.

Comment on Una trama senza ordito. by Beniamina Wed, 26 Jan 2011 15:06:40 +0000 Esatto. E’ proprio questo il punto: muovere le pedine per giocare, ma giocare sul serio e con qualcosa di serio. O che forse viene preso troppo sul serio. Un po’ come quando da bambina ti infili le scarpe coi tacchi di tua mamma: così, per giocare, anche se poi piano piano realizzerai che possono trasformarsi in strumenti di seduzione, scomode ma eleganti torture da indossare, croce e delizia di ogni vestito “buono”. Eppure, in quel tuo gioco infantile, sveli la più pura verità: che le scarpe, dopotutto, sono fatte per essere esibite con frivolezza e sbruffonaggine.

Comment on Una trama senza ordito. by betS Mon, 24 Jan 2011 08:39:52 +0000 Non ne capisco molto di queste cose (e lo sai), ma “un corpo fa corpo”. E questo credo sia il punto.
Mettere le pedine su una piattaforma con tanta credibilità da persona ‘vera’ quanta ne possono ancora avere i millemila account fake Silvio Berlusconi e con la possibilità di stare in interfaccia, è al contempo un entrare dentro la storia e un uscirne, traboccando, energicamente, in altre…

“Corpo [corps] suona come “fuori” [hors] e come “forte” [fort].”
(Nancy, da “Strani corpi stranieri”)

Comment on When the surface becomes complex by Beniamina Thu, 20 Jan 2011 09:47:08 +0000 Lo and Behold who’s there! Thank you Chiara! <3

Comment on About the pleasures of a technological university by Beniamina Thu, 20 Jan 2011 09:45:59 +0000 Thank you, Chiara, I’m glad to read your words.

The point is, if there are people who still see technology as the demon who will spoil us, nothing in the academia will improve. Universities shouldn’t be the place where dusty, rusty culture resists, but where new ideas are free to blossom in a stimulating environment.

Criticisms do not help us going much further, though. I hope this work will be of some use not only for elit itself, but also for let people enjoy “the pleasures of a technological university”, which doesn’t mean “non-human”, it means fascinating, cross-cultures and countries, probably free.

See ya.

Comment on About the pleasures of a technological university by Chiara Mon, 17 Jan 2011 22:43:03 +0000 Fascinating.
I really can’t stop reading. This was a wonderful idea- I really mean full of wonder. This research is something we should bring also in non- tecnological universities (like ours, in Italy- alas!).
We would finally have the chance to find out that literature is really aLIVe and continuosly evolving!
But would that be possible?
Maybe not now- with all these problems we have…- but then, when?! Later on? Though, in that case, we wouldn’t be part of it.
I think we should participate, as you gave us the opportunity to deal with these problems, NOW. Not tomorrow.

Keep on goin’


Comment on When the surface becomes complex by Chiara Mon, 17 Jan 2011 22:13:15 +0000 This is exciting. And so intresting too!!!! Only you could have done it B.
CuL8er, C

Comment on Blog? by Beniamina Mon, 20 Dec 2010 17:17:19 +0000 Oh my dear, I’m glad to hear that! Congratulations!!

I’m still working but I’m almost done, and that makes me sad a little bit. But still, it has been a great semester and the best is yet to come!

Talk to you soon!!

Comment on Blog? by Camilla Sun, 19 Dec 2010 20:59:58 +0000 Hello dear!!!! I’ve got it at the end!!! Now I’m a sort of a doctor :) How r u? Unfortunately for you you’re time is running out and your comeback to our poor Italy is closer…
Love u

Comment on Word of the (every)day: Curiosity by Camilla Sat, 11 Dec 2010 14:07:24 +0000 As one says “curiosity kills the cat”!
But anyway that’s curiosity that leads us to our most incredible adentures, like yours!
I don’t have many things to say, but that the 16th is almost here and I can’t believe that’s this parenthesis is going to be closed… On thursday one seat will be empty and that’ll be yours, but I know you’ll be there with us with your mind!!!!
Just break a leg for everything, ‘n see ya in January sweety!!!! :)
I got your mail, thank u sooooo much!!!
